But I didn’t get any results from this email either.

You have registered a Cubase 11 version, so it should not be a problem to get a version 12…". So, you just go to your Steinberg account, and load the latest Cubase AI version, or you can ask Steinberg Support for help with this matter. YAMAHA customers will greatly benefit from this free update policy since they can always be up to date with their software, and they can always work with the latest improvements and features.
#Get cubase ai manuals
The online help and PDF manuals are available on steinberg.help. This article breaks down the download and license activation process for.

With every future release of Cubase, the new Cubase AI license will automatically be updated to the latest version without breaking backwards compatibility. I sent an email to “ and the response I received was: "All Cubase AI customers (Cubase AI 4 or higher) will be able to update to the latest version of Cubase AI free of charge. I had previously tried to contact the numbers on the link, even before you wrote, but I didn’t get any results.